When to Stay Home from School
When to Stay Home from School
A child with a contagious illness, disease or fever should not be sent to school. Please specify on the school attendance line if your child is absent due to a fever, contagious disease, or chronic illness. If a child is ill, the school nurse or principal appointed representative may send the student home with a note and if appropriate, recommend that the family physician be consulted. District policy requires students be excluded from school for the following and/or at the nurse’s discretion:
- Fever—oral temperature of 100° F or above. Your child must be fever free (less than 100° F) for at least1 full school day after being sent home with a fever. After the full day they may return to school once they are fever free (<100˚F) without using fever reducing medication.
- Any rash and fever combined—the student should remain home until fever free for at least 1 full school day and until fever free (<100˚F) without using fever reducing medication.
- All red or pink eyes with pus or drainage present should be evaluated by a physician. The student may return to school 24 hours after start of treatment or a physician’s note indicating that no treatment is necessary.
- Vomiting—the student should remain home for 24 hours until no longer vomiting without the use of medication.
- Diarrhea—the student should remain home for 24 hours until no longer having diarrhea without the use of medication.
- Impetigo—student should remain home until treatment has been given for at least 24 hours. Please notify the school nurse of this condition and provide a note from your physician.
- Scabies—student should remain home until treatment has been given for at least 24 hours. Please notify the school nurse of this condition and provide a note from your physician.
- Ringworm—until treatment has been started; upon returning to school the area must remain covered at all times, if the area is too large or cannot be covered the students must remain home until the ringworm is gone.
- Chicken pox—student should remain home for 5 days from first appearance of pox’s (vesicles) and until all vesicles have scabbed over and no new ones are appearing.
- Strep Throat—student should remain home until they have had at least a FULL 24 hours of antibiotic treatment and is fever free (<100˚F) without using fever reducing medication.
- Whooping Cough—if your child is suspected of having whooping cough, they must remain home until the test results have been confirmed. If the test is positive for whooping cough, the student must remain home for 5 FULL days on antibiotics, please notify the school nurse.
- COVID-19 - Stay home until fever free for 24 hours without using medication to reduce the fever and symptoms are getting better.
Loss of Control of Bladder or Bowel- due to risk of exposure to body fluids, if you child experiences repeated loss of bladder or bowel control at school and body fluids cannot be contained or is causing contamination of the school environment, your child will be sent home for the day. If this is a result of a medical condition, please contact your school nurse.