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Student Medical Information

Please review, verify information is correct and/or update your students medical information.  You can access this information by logging onto the parent portal of Powerschool. All medication permissions expired at the end of the school year and must be renewed for the 22-23 school year. School nurses use your child's medical information to provide student-centered care and in the event of an emergency.  

To review and/or update your student(s) medical information and medication permission form follow these directions:

Log into your parent portal of Powerschool, click on Demographics Updates and review and confirm that the information on all of the tabs is current and correct.  Update any information as needed.  For address changes contact your child's school directly.

Verify and/or update medical information by going to the MEDICAL INFORMATION tab and complete the following steps:

  1. Review and update all medical information for your child.
  2. Mark either YES (I agree) or NO (I do not agree) to give permission for the school nurse to administer school stocked medications in your absence.  
  3. Enter the Date (MM/DD/YYYY) and click on Verify Enrollment (Submit).  

Westfield Washington School District school nurses follow the confidentiality laws: Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERBA) and the Health Insurance Protability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPPA).