WWS Employee Discount Program
The WWS Employee Discount Program is a partnership with local businesses that offers discounts to Westfield Washington Schools faculty and staff with valid identification cards.
Westfield Washington Schools provides this discount program summary information solely as a convenience and does not evaluate, endorse, or warrant the products and services offered through the WWS Employee Discount Program and receives no financial or other benefit from these discounts. Westfield Washington Schools and WWS Employee Discount Program business partners have the right to discontinue the partnership at anytime.
All employees of Westfield Washington Schools holding a valid ID card are eligible to participate in the discount program. Exceptions may be made on a discount-by-discount basis. To use the program, identify yourself as a Westfield Washington Schools employee by showing a valid WWS ID card when making a purchase.
All employees of Westfield Washington Schools holding a valid ID card (plus one guest) are also eligible for free admission to all school events such as concerts, plays, athletic events (with exception of IHSAA tournaments), etc.
Contact: Staci Pratt, Executive Administrative Assistant, at prattst@wws.k12.in.us or at x8011
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