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School Board Members sit on a variety of district-wide and community committees and groups.  

2024 Board of School Trustees Committee Appointments

Alumni Relations Committee/Board Representative:  Amber Willis

Broad Based Planning (High Ability) Committee Representative:  Amber Willis

Continuous Quality Team:  All 

Curriculum Committee:  Jimmy Cox, Amber Willis

Finance Subcommittee (2):  Bill Anderson, Rebecca Ogle

ISBA Delegate & Legislative Liaison:  Jimmy Cox

Negotiations Committee Representative (2):  Jimmy Cox, Mike Steele

Safety Committee Representative (2):  Bill Anderson, Mike Steele 

School Board Policy Liaison:  Jimmy Cox, Mike Steele

Wellbeing Coalition of Westfield Stakeholder Group:  Bill Anderson, Amber Willis

Technology Committee:  Bill Anderson, Rebecca Ogle

Westfield Washington Education Foundation Board Member:  Amber Willis

Westfield Redevelopment Commission – non-voting member:  Mike Steele*


*Two year term